SSP : forecasting of an emergency condition of the railway...
Forecasting of an emergency condition (destruction) of sites of trunk-railways and many other things...
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List of examples:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 9
Example 10
Example 11
Example 12
Example 13
Example 14
Example 15
Example 16
Example 17
Example 18
Example 19
Example 20
Example 21
Example 22
Example 23
Example 24
Example 25
Example 26
Example 27
Example 28

Forecasting of an emergency for trunk-railways

     Dynamic influence on a ground accelerates the processes of destruction caused by presence of a zone of a tectonic disturbance. Very brightly it is shown at operation of a rail transport.
     There are sites on railways which demand periodic repair. Presence of such sites is accepted to explain by poor-quality construction.
     Having experience of profiling along tracks, we confirm, that a condition of the sites periodically demanding repair, is defined by influence of zones of tectonic disturbances. Character of influence of a tectonic disturbance on a railway line depends on their mutual orientation and parameters of a tectonic disturbance.

Forecasting of an emergency for trunk-railways

     а) - the most often case when the tectonic disturbance crosses all rails of railway under not so sharp corner. It as well the most safe case. Thus the site of the ways which are in a zone of a tectonic disturbance, constantly caves in and in this connection, periodically demands repair.
     b) - differs from the previous case that periodic repair is required only for one way. However, it is possible complications when the zone of a tectonic disturbance crosses only one rail of the second way are .
     с) - if the zone of a tectonic disturbance crosses only one rail the passage of a train through this site will be inclined.
     Under some conditions (which also may be predicted) at passage of a train through a zone с) probably occurrence of the resonant phenomenon when the deviation from vertical of each next carriage has the increasing size.
     Typicalness of failure arising at it consists that one of last carriage is derailed. The analysis of failures shows, that in most cases (from when the reasons remain not clear) such and occurs.
     d) - rails are oriented along the tectonic faulting, but only one embankment is in a zone of this faulting. Thus there is a slipping down of embankment. It consists that the material of embankment as though the earth fall. Thus may appear so, that cross sleeper (ties) and rails may be without a support, with all circumstances flowing out from here. We observed this phenomenon between Moscow and Orel. It also periodically repeats, and the period there was approximately 20-25 years.

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